Hello, everybody!
And Happy New Year!
I started with lots of colours of course, because I want to have a colourful year 🙂
Lots of green and many others in between 🙂
No sign of snow and quite warm for this period, but it’s nice not to freeze while taking pics.
Anyway I hope you all had a great year and may 2014 be greater than ever! 🙂
A very colorful start for a colorful new year! Happy New Year!
La multi ani, Ionela!! Multa inspiratie pentru acest nou an si tot atata indrazneala pentru combinatii noi! Esti adorabila cu bretonul tau, mai ca ma faci si pe mine sa ma razgandesc cand iti vad pozele 😀
Imi place mult combinatia de culori, arati superb!!
thank you! wish you all the best! 🙂
🙂 La Multi Ani si tie! cu bretonul e greu pana incerci, dar apoi dc iti place o sa vrei sa il ai mereu 😛
Am avut, dar ma plictisisem si am renuntat… am momente cand mi-e dor 😀