Hello, everybody,

How is your summer in autumn going? I, for one, hope it will last longer.

School has started, streets are jammed – the usual suspects of fall are here 🙂

Last time, I presented you a go to school outfit, but it was meant for chilly days. Since it is sunny, I think we can have one for warmer days as well.

This one for today could be included in that category. And it has something that is very characteristic for the first the of school – something new bought.

When I say something new bought, I mean the sneakers, which are brand new and quite a novelty in my collection. It is actually my first pair of Jordans. And as luck has it, they are as colourful as they come.

When I was little, I used to buy 2 pairs of shoes from the same brand, which were identical, but had different colours and then I wore them combined (eg. Converse, 2 different colours) – I still remember people looking at me funny, yet I didn’t care.

Now they produce these babies from the factory 🙂 and I still notice people looking at me funny.

But look at them – they are gorgeous 🙂 – I can only imagine being a kid again and take these babies to school – god, that would have made some people jealous in my days 🙂


Sneakers: Nike / Skirt, shirt: H&M / Bag: Stradivarius

Long live the green!
