After my perfect mismatch how about a match made in heaven? 🙂
Well, I got it right here – perfect synchrony between nude and green.
And there are some funny stories behind each item.
Let’s see: the shoes are one size smaller – my feet are not very happy, but I had to buy them.
These are the shoes I was waiting for all my life. They were meant for me 🙂
The skirt was found in a thirft shop – lucky me 😛
The blouse and bag were found in a store outside the city while I was travelling.
I enter the store and there they were, waiting for me.
So, nothing in this outfit was planned. The items just found each other in my closet and
they look splendid together, don’t they?
Shoes: romanian producer / Skirt: Thirft shop / Bag, shirt: Poema
Long live the green!
Eu mor în chinuri dacă mai vad pantofii ăia! Sunt prea bestiali, ca să mă exprim plastic! :)) Sigur nu mai ții minte numele producătorului?
E minunată ținuta, totul se completează perfect.
crezi ca am mai vazut ceva in fata ochilor in afara de pantofi? 🙂 dar te anunt cand mai vad targul ala prin bucuresti si poate ii si intreb daca au magazin pe undeva 😛