This is my 100th post and I’m very happy to write it 🙂
Being anniversary and all that, I chose to wear a classy outfit with some vintage elements,
which better represent the vintage side of my blog.
I hope you enjoyed my posts so far and I promise to keep sharing with you my outfit ideas 🙂
and also my home decor and DIY projects.
Given the fact that I’m getting married this summer, I’m very happy to tell you
that there will be a few posts with my wedding dresses and other cute wedding related stuff 🙂
So be prepared for some cuteness 🙂
The wedding dress is not green 🙂 – I’ve been asked that 🙂
But the one for civil ceremony is very green 🙂
Till then, enjoy this lovely outfit. Besides the lovely dots, I must say that I am
in love with the pants. They don’t make them like this anymore and I was very happy
to find them at an online vintage store which I highly recommend: The Dearhunters
Enjoy the photos:

I’m wearing:
Pants: vintage
Blouse: H&M
Bag: vintage
Shoes: Musette
Long live the green!