Hello, everybody!
It’s time for some navy stripes 🙂
And as you can see a few pops of mustard and brown go very well
with the rest of the look.
It would have been great to have some sun to go with it as well 🙂
but we have to adapt to a very cloudy and rainy summer unfortunately.
At least my outfits were calling  the sun out 🙂
Pants: Zara / T-shirt, bag: H&M / Sandals: random / Necklace: Poema
Long live the green!
omg this outfit looks amazing on you! Love those pants 🙂
thank you! 🙂
I love your pants and sandals. And the curly hair!
thank you! that's my natural curly hair 🙂
Hei, ai slabit, nu? 🙂 Arati super si tinuta e f cool, bravo! 🙂
putin 😛 multumesc!
Ce pantaloni frumosi! i-ai luat de curand?
De unde ai sandalele? Sunt bestiale.
cat de cat recent – cred ca mai au 🙂
un magazin no name de prin rahova 🙂 – am ajuns din pura intamplare pe acolo si erau puse in geam. Dar nu as mai sti sa iti zic cum sa ajungi la el 🙂 eram in masina si nici eu nu cred ca l-as mai gasi acum 😛
Cat de perfecta e toata combinatia, o adooor <3
Culorile alese se completeaza la fix, colierul e minunat, inelul.. pantalonii?? Goood, ii vreau si eu!!!
Ochelarii sunt minunati, dar nu cred ca m-ar prinde forma asta… pupici!!
🙂 multumesc! astept sa ii vad pe blog cu ce ii combini 😛 eu mai am o gramada de idei pt ei deja – abia astept sa le pun in practica – first stop va fi cu fuchsia / bright orchid pt ca vin minunat 🙂