Hello, everybody,

I still have another outfit to share from San Francisco, but that can wait 🙂
I really wanted to share this one, not because of the outfit,
but because of the location itself.
So, after we left SF, we went down the coast and for 2 nights we stayed
in lovely Carmel by the sea (fairytale city, I tell you).
It is very close to Monterey and as such we visited Monterey
and drove on the scenic road down
the coast, known as the 17 mile drive.
It is a really impressive place to be and you have to wait
for the sunset – it is an absolute must.
For some amazing landscapes, just follow me on my Instagram page, here
Or just check my travel blog, here.


Dress: H&M / Jacket: House / Espadrilles: Zapatos

Long live the green!