Hello, everybody,
You know when there is one item you always say that you are not going
to wear to matter what? Well, in my case, the fanny pack would be one of those items.
Whenever I see it, it reminds me of my childhood when
I was seeing some strange people on the streets, doing some shady business and
they were always wearing a fanny pack :))
And yet, here we are – today’s look involves my very own fanny pack 🙂
It just happened that I was buying something else and while I was waiting to pay,
there it was – the minty fanny pack below :))
And somehow I ended up buying it 😀
For some reason this one seems cool 🙂 and I cannot explain why.
And apparently it is very fashionable these days, so why not then 🙂
Skirt:ASOS / Shirt, sneakers:random boutique / Fanny pack: Pull&Bear
Long live the green!
Lovely! Love the lipstick.I would appreciate if you can tell what lipstick is(brand, colour.
thank you! it's from MAC – colour is called good kisser
Thank you!