Hello, everybody,
How’s your confinement going? :))
Going nuts yet? :))
I sure miss the outside world and I don’t think that I will
work from home ever again :)) – maybe if my leg is broken
or something :))
Anyway, I have no pictures as of lately, so I am looking through the ones
I haven’t shared yet.
For example, today I have a lovely outfit from a trip to Cluj from last year.
The outfit is perfect for today’s weather – as it happens, the pictures were
taken last year in April.
You can never go wrong with pleats and a jeans jacket.
You don’t have a jeans jacket yet?
Well, order it online :)) – once they let us out, you might need it.
Unless they let us out in July :))) – oh, Jesus, I hope not.
Enjoy! and stay home!
Long live the green!