Hello, everybody,

I have a very cute post today, cause it is gender revealing 🙂 – yes, the baby has a gender – I guess I am still old school 🙂

Of course all my friends and family already know what I am about to share, but I thought it would be nice to also share via clothes.

But first of all, let’s start with a small story. So, a few years back I said I do not want a baby. But then I decided I wanted one and, although you say to yourself you don’t care what it is as long as it is healthy, the truth is that you always have a preference. In my case I always said I wanted a boy, because I think I would worry less. Although society has made a lot of progress in how women are perceived, the truth is that we are not where we should be (or how I see it). I am sorry to say this, but men still have perks that women don’t have. Anyhow, feminism aside, the worrying part was lesser for me in case of a boy.

On the other hand, there is my lovely husband 🙂 , who is addicted to all car related stuff and one would think that he would also have liked to have a boy. Well, surprise, surprise, he wanted a girl.

Long story short – we are having a baby girl 🙂 – my husband’s wish came true and I guess this little lady might be one of the few girls in the world who will know how to change the oil to a car on her own, because she is gonna be daddy’s little girl and because a girl can do anything, right? 😛 . Who needs a mechanic when it is easy peasy to do it yourself (at least this is what my husband says 😀 )

I guess I will worry more as a mother, but at least I will have an entire wardrobe to pay forward to her 🙂 – hopefully she will like my taste in clothes: I have 52 pairs of jeans – for sure there will be one she will like 😀 . I also hope she will like my skirts and dresses, but we will see.

Pics below were taken in week 24.


Skirt: Sinsay / T-shirt: Koton / Jacket: C&A / Sneakers: Adidas / Bag: Nine West

Long live the green!
