Hello, everybody!

How about a crafty DIY post? I haven’t posted one in while.
And I made this cute little thing a month ago.
It is a birthday card made for a special lady 🙂
What you need: a box (of your choice), burlap, lace, dried roses, paper and
whatever you think suits the person you’re making it for. In my
case a little shoe, because of course the birthday girl is a shoe addict 😛
So what I did was to glue the burlap inside the box and
poured there the cute dried roses. I also made a little envelope
where all the birthday wishes were stored. And I stamped it here and there
with some flowers.
The box was simple, but I glued on its edges some lace and I added
some colourful buttons in the picture.
At the end don’t forget to close it – it looks special like that.
And if people want to write wishes directly on the box, don’t stop them 🙂
Anyway I hope you like it! 🙂


Long live the green!