Hello, everybody!
Remember I told you I have to go to three weddings this month?
Well, this is my second wedding attire 🙂
You can check the first one here.
This one is a little bit more sophisticated than the other 🙂
And I had the chance to wear the waistband my grandmother made.
The dress and the waistband were just a perfect match.
Don’t miss the little topper hat 🙂
Hair and make up were my own doing and I am happy with the results 🙂

Long live the green!
Tre chic!
definitely, one of my favorites! great combination & love the traditional character! actually, some good inspiration for myself 🙂
hihi 🙂 thank you!
Esti absolut superba… totul e minunat, rochia, inelul, bratara… parul si unghiile <3
Cred ca la colier as fi renuntat, pentru ca ai deja acea banda accesorizata sub bust… dar imi place la nebunie!!
multumesc! 🙂 am tot ezitat dc sa il pun sau nu, dar fara el era prea golas gatul 🙂 plus ca e asa frumos 😛