Hello, everybody,

Is everybody sober again? :))
I slept like a baby, once the fireworks stopped.
And as kind of a tradition, I woke up early and hit that road, Jack.
I went to see the snow, since in Bucharest it was not present unfortunately.
I decided to put on as many colours as possible, as you can see.
And I have this new jacket, which is very nice and keeps me warm,
but damn if I don’t look exactly like the Michelin man :))
I don’t care – I am colourful and warm, so whoever has a problem
with my puffines, can kiss my … you know what :)))
As you can see, sarcasm is with me in this new year as well.
Let it be as sarcastic as ever – I like them feisty :))
Sorry for so many pics, but I saw a lot of places for one day 🙂


Jeans, Jacket: Tommy Hilfiger / Sneakers: Nike / Bag: Marc Jacobs

Long live the green!