We’ve been having a pretty hot weather for a few days now,
and most probably I’m not dressed accordingly, but I just love
my maxi green pleated skirt and I wouldn’t trade it for a pair of shorts 🙂
I also love the colour of the shirt – the pictures taken in the sun don’t show
the exact shade of red, but I assure you that is the prettiest shade –
a mix of tangerine and red put together.
Enjoy the photos:
I’m wearing:
Skirt: random store
Shirt: random store
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Poema
Long live the green!
Saptamana trecuta mi se nazarise sa port combo-ul asta de culori dar invers, top verde si pantaloni scurti rosii, si brusc mi-am adus aminte de nicaieri de un articol do and don't s citit hat demult conform caruia rosu+verde e too xmas-y si m-am razgandit ca toanta.Din pozele tale nu reiese nimic gen craciun, doh, e plina vara.Incep sa iau in serios varianta jurnalului de outfit-uri.Intr-un fel ma vad eu in oglinda si cu ochii mintii si altfel povestesc pozele.
🙂 eu ador verde & rosu in ciuda a tot ce se spune despre cele 2 combinate 🙂