Hello, everybody!
Today’s look is once again blue 🙂
What has happened to Miss Green? is she turning blue? 🙂
Definitely this summer I had a thing for this shade and it looks
so good with pops of fuchsia around, doesn’t it?
The brown shades here and there are also a good match both for the
blue and the fuchsia.
Pants: Koton / Shirt, shoes: random / Bag: H&M
Long live the green!
Oau! Superba tinuta, ador modul indraznet in care ai asortat culorile. Minunat!
multumesc! 🙂
Ce bine iti sta asa! Imi plac mult pantofii si pantalonii <3
multumesc! 🙂
Aah, ce frumoasa combinatie cromatica, arati divin!! Ochelarii sunt superbi si-ti vin asa bine <3 Kisses!
multu' 🙂
imi plac foarte mult pantofii tai 😀 te pup