Hello, everybody!
Many of you don’t know that my hair is naturally curly, but I keep straightening it.
Well, I decided to let it curly for a change 🙂
And, because I really wanted one, I found myself a cute fedora hat to go with the curls 🙂
Now I’m fedorable (VH1 term :), don’t you think?
I’m wearing :
Pants: Zara / Shirt, bag: Terranova / Jacket: Miniprix / Shoes: Bata / Hat: random
Long live the green!
superb outfitul! imi place mult croiul la pantalon!
yes you are 🙂 love the colour of the pants
multumesc 🙂
🙂 he he, thank you!
Lovely photos, great outfit!!!
thank you!
Si mie imi place foarte mult combinatia cromatica.
🙂 multu'
I love that blue polka dot blouse! All of these colors work so well together! Another job well done! <3
– Anna
thank you, Anna 🙂
imi plac camasile care se inchid pana sus de tot , maxim 🙂 si a ta e adorabila , cu picatele 🙂