Hello spring!

Hello, everybody!Spring has arrived :), but I only see it in the calendar, not outside unfortunately :(But I am hopeful :)Until warmer days, here is a cute tutorial for you :)Again dried roses are the base – I really like them, despite the fact that theyare not...

February – short summary

Hello, everybody!This is how my February looked like :)Quite colourful I am pleased to say and I intend on having a lot ofcolourful months from now on as well :)And now let’s wait for spring! tic-tac tic-tac :)And a lovely DIYLong live the...

Dotted winter

Hello, everybody!Let’s start the week with another dotted post from the snowy days of course.I still have some photos left from dear old winter days :)Apparently dots are just as cute in winter as well, don’t you think?No matter the season , let there be...

Just chic!

Hello, everybody!As you can see the snow is gone and I almost smell spring :)Pretty colours all the way – not that winter was less colourful for me :)But I really want to have more sunny pics and everything around me to be green :)One week and 1st of March is...

Green winter

Hello, everybody!Remember winter? I have some photos left from the snowy days.And like always, in order to defy the white, I brought some heavy colours :)Green is of course the queen on my list of colours :)And I love it combined with nude.Please don’t miss my...