Androgynous look

Besides the classy lady look which I adore, sometimes I also enjoy the androgynous look, because it kinda has its own mystery. One girl who really can pull off this look is lovely Agyness Deyn who has a style of her own and I often like to study her looks.Here...

70sh vibe

Today I added a new bag to my collection and as soon as I came outof the store its 70sh vibe spoke to me:)So I looked through my clothes to find something 70sh andI managed to find one or two pieces to go with.Here are some pictures of the lovely bag:the lovely bag...

Colour blocking? anytime

Colour blocking – I adore this phrase. But you know why? Of course you do :)If you’ve been following my blog you must have noticed already that I love colours.I don’t like to follow the trends per se, so if I want to wear something I’ll do...

Trench alert

Now I am more than certain that spring is close, so the one thing that cannot miss from a girl wardrobe is/are her trench (es).So far I managed to have 3 in my wardrobe and I am very proud of them because each one of them is very special (as colour, no of combinations...

Pleated anytime

Let me tell you the obvious: I love green and I love pleated skirts :)The skirt and also the sweater can be very versatile items 🙂 – so they will appear for sure in other combinationsCloser 🙂 And the lovely not matching sneakers :)Found the matching pair...